April, 2020. Left academia for a position in data science consulting in Chicago.
Oct. 1, 2019. Paper on newborns's association of brightness with number/duration out in PLOS ONE.
May 19, 2019. Gave talk at VSS on adaptation of number judgments with low-level features.
May 1, 2019. Began project funded by the UBC Data Science Institute, entitled "Quantifying individual differences from complex datasets in developmental psychology."
April 8-9. Talk given on cross-dimensional ratio and rank processing at the 1st Mathematical Cognition and Learning Society Conference in Oxford, UK.
Jan. 1. Started post-doc at UBC Psychology.
May 4-7. Poster entitled "Dot-size variance reduces biases in numerical discrimination and estimation tasks" at CAOS 2017 in Rovereto, IT.
Sept. 28-30. Presented poster entitled "Sources of uncertainty in the approximate number system" at the Domain-General and Domain-Specific Foundations of Numerical and Arithmetic Processing Workshop in Tübingen, Germany.
Jan. 1. Started post-doc at LPP studying factors that affect noise levels in the infant and adult approximate number system.
Dec. 10. Successfully defended PhD thesis entitled On Theories of Abstract, Quantitative Representation.
Sept. 1. Started NSF-GROW/STEM-Chateaubriand predoctoral fellowships in Paris at Laboratoire Psychologie de la Perception, Université Paris Descartes.
Aug. 10. Moved out of Rochester, NY.
July 1. Awarded Fyssen Foundation Postdoctoral Study Fellowship.
June 1. Awarded NSF-GROW Fellowship.
May 2. Awarded Embassy of France's STEM-Chateaubriand Fellowship.
I am currently a data scientist working in Chicago, IL. I was formerly a post-doc at the Centre for Cognitive Development, University of British Columbia, working with Darko Odic in the Early Development Group and with UBC's Data Science Institute. I did my PhD at the Department of Brain and Cognitive Sciences at the University of Rochester, working with Dick Aslin and Jessica Cantlon and previously did a post-doc in Paris with Véronique Izard and Lola de Hevia. In a former life, I was a pianist.
Approximate Number System
Bonn, C.D., & Odic, D. (In prep). Adaptation to non-numeric features reveals mechanisms of number perception.
Bonn, C.D., & Izard, V. (In prep). Dot-size variance reduces biases in numerical discrimination and estimation tasks.
Abstract Quantity
Bonn, C.D., Netskou, M-E., Streri, A., & de Hevia, M.D. (2019). The association of brightness with number/duration in human newborns. PLOS ONE, 14(10), e0223192.
Bonn, C.D., & Cantlon, J.F. (2017). Spontaneous, modality-general abstraction of a ratio scale. Cognition, 169, 36-45.
Bonn, C.D., & Cantlon, J.F. (Under revision). Learning relations between space, time, and number from environmental statistics.
Bonn, C.D., & Cantlon, J.F. (2012). The origins and structure of quantitative concepts. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 29:1-2, pp. 149-173.
Speech Perception and Categorization
Mulak, K., Bonn, C.D., Chládkova, K., Aslin, R.N., & Escudero, P. (2017). Indexical and linguistic processing by 12-month-olds: Discrimination of speaker, accent, and vowel differences. PLOS ONE, 12(5), e0176762.
Stasenko, A., Bonn, C., Teghipco, A., Garcea, F.E., Sweet, C., Dombovy, M., McDonough, J., and Mahon, B.Z. (2015). A causal test of the motor theory of speech perception: a case of impaired speech production and spared speech perception. Cognitive Neuropsychology, 32, 38-57.
Infant Methods
Bonn, C.D., & Aslin, R.N. (In prep). Probability matching in human infants: A demonstration using a novel forced-choice paradigm.
Pitch and Music Perception
Siu, J., Bonn, C.D., & Marvin, E.W. (Under Revision). Contributions of native language, spectral envelope, and absolute pitch possession to the perception of octave-ambiguous tritones in tone-language speakers.
UBC Data Science Institute Postdoctoral Matching Fund.
NSERC Discovery Grant to Darko Odic and UBC Department of Psychology (2018-present)
Fondation Fyssen Postdoctoral Study Grant (2016 - 2017)
Embassy of France STEM-Chateaubriand Fellowship (Fall 2015)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Opportunities Worldwide (GROW) Fellowship (Fall 2015)
National Science Foundation Graduate Research Fellowship (2011 - 2014)